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Alhamdulillah for Everything!
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays-in addition to Ramadan & Eid of Course! I think it has something to do with all yummy food served during these holidays!Even though...
Alhamdulillah for Everything!
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays-in addition to Ramadan & Eid of Course! I think it has something to do with all yummy food served during these holidays!Even though...

The first 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah are nearly here!
While many of us won't be able to participate in Hajj this year, we can all still benefit from the first 10 days!Use the following guide throughout the first days...
The first 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah are nearly here!
While many of us won't be able to participate in Hajj this year, we can all still benefit from the first 10 days!Use the following guide throughout the first days...

Ramadan/Eid Pop-Up Cards & Lanterns!
Scroll below for templates!videoRamadan/Eid Pop Up Card & Lantern Materials: Cardstock or Construction Paper Pop Up Shapes (Download & print the templates below) Scissors Gluestick Tissue Paper Lantern Template (Download...
Ramadan/Eid Pop-Up Cards & Lanterns!
Scroll below for templates!videoRamadan/Eid Pop Up Card & Lantern Materials: Cardstock or Construction Paper Pop Up Shapes (Download & print the templates below) Scissors Gluestick Tissue Paper Lantern Template (Download...

Engraved Rolling Pin Recipe for Embossed Cookies!
With each order of Rolling Pins, I include a Sugar Cookie Recipe that, if followed correctly, will ensure that the embossing of your Ramadan & Eid Cookies will turn out!I...
Engraved Rolling Pin Recipe for Embossed Cookies!
With each order of Rolling Pins, I include a Sugar Cookie Recipe that, if followed correctly, will ensure that the embossing of your Ramadan & Eid Cookies will turn out!I...

An Introduction
Hey Salaams! I’m Hajera and the owner of The Festive Bazaar. 🥳I’m a mother of a 6-month-old (mA!) and a Bay Area transplant from SoCal.I guess you could say I’ve...
An Introduction
Hey Salaams! I’m Hajera and the owner of The Festive Bazaar. 🥳I’m a mother of a 6-month-old (mA!) and a Bay Area transplant from SoCal.I guess you could say I’ve...