An Introduction

An Introduction

Hey Salaams! I’m Hajera and the owner of The Festive Bazaar. 🥳

I’m a mother of a 6-month-old (mA!) and a Bay Area transplant from SoCal.

I guess you could say I’ve always enjoyed decorating and making sure every event my sister and I hosted was *just* right- we always wanted to go the extra mile to get the perfect decor. I am sure a lot of that can be attributed to my mom’s penchant for hosting. :)

The Festive Bazaar unofficially started back in 2014 when my sister came up with the idea of Eid Pockets, and we really decided to go all-in and decorate for Ramadan & Eid that year. We hadn’t really ever done too much other than exchange gifts amongst ourselves and our friends previously, but by this time my sister had her 1-year-old daughter, and we really wanted to bring a little something extra to the Ramadan and Eid celebrations for her.

The next year I came up with the concept of my Countdown to Eid with Fajr & Iftar times to add to our improved Eid Pockets and other festive decor. 🎉

That same year, when we were throwing my sister-in-law her baby shower, I decided to just do it- I had always been creating water bottle labels and favor tags, and a lot of other fun & festive things for these types of events for friends that it only seemed natural to get on Etsy and start a small shop!

But alas- life got in the way- my teaching career took off and used up a lot of energy , and so, I put my shop on I pause.

I continued teaching at various schools around SoCal and continued creating fun and festive things for events, and even did a small side thing for a little while with my best friend to bake tasty treats. [See The Box | A Bake Shop for reference].

By Ramadan of 2019, I wasn’t even planning on restarting my shop- it had been 4 years- I had been married for two years, was acclimating to the Bay Area, and most of all I felt way behind. With all the other small shops that were already doing amazing things for Eid and Ramadan, I didn’t know how I could catch up.

But as I was making a new Countdown to my countdown to Eid Calendar that I was working on for family, I thought- why not, let’s get back into it! I’ll start off small with customized Ramadan & Eid notes, downloadable stickers, & Eid Pockets of course. And with all your support- I was able to grow my shop, alhamdulillah. It’s still a work in progress and still very much a small shop. But it’s there. And I plan on keeping it going this time around insha’Allah. :)

So here I am- 2 years later with a 6-month-old in tow, a super supportive husband,

my family as my sounding board, and all of you.

I hope, iA you’ll come along on this journey with me as I revamp my shop and my brand.

Here’s to a Festive 2021, insha’Allah!


But also- why does this ^ bring back memories of writing a bio-data for rishtas?? Hahah- I guess introducing myself to you all and hoping you like me enough to like my posts and support what I’m putting out there is pretty much in the same boat. 😂

Looking forward to working with you all iA!

-Hajera 🥳


#eiddecor #ramadan #ramadandecorations #eid #festivedecor

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